The Imboden United Methodist church doors opened at 9 a.m. on Wednesday to begin distribution of Christmas boxes for needy families in the Imboden community.
36 local families in need received Christmas boxes containing a ham, milk, butter, bread, baking supplies,assorted canned goods, washing detergent, and personal care products along with children’s gifts.
Donations of canned goods, Christmas gifts and monetary donations were used to buy items to fill the boxes.
This is the 19th year that the school and community have partnered for this project of giving. Special thanks goes out to all the volunteers who helped gather items, distribute the Christmas boxes and all the generous donations that make this project possible each year.

Merry Christmas 2014
Imboden / Ravenden Ministerial Alliance
Imboden Assembly of God
Imboden First Baptist Church
Imboden United Methodist Church
Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Sutton Free Will Baptist

Sloan-Hendrix High School Student Council
Sloan-Hendrix FFA
Sloan-Hendrix PTE
Sloan-Hendrix School Staff

Citizens Bank
Iberia Bank
Flash Market
Pocahontas Price Chopper

Individual Community Donors

