A new facelift effort is underway at the Sedgwick Volunteer Fire Department. The department recently replaced aging signs with new, more visible signs on buildings and trucks.


Firefighters involved in rural departments face challenges not seen in bigger city departments. Volunteers can sometimes be hard to come by due to hectic schedules and limited available time. Sedgwick is no different, serving a rural community can be challenging. The Sedgwick Volunteer Fire Department is not only letting residents know they are still very active but also putting out the request for new volunteers.


Volunteer Firefighters make up the majority of firefighters in the state of Arkansas and can be some of the most rewarding work a person can do. Men and women leave their families and comforts of their own own home at a moments notice to assist other residents and sometimes total strangers. Firefighting is just the beginning of what is done, firefighters are the first on accident scenes and medical calls, often relaying vital information to ambulances long before they arrive. During natural disasters such as flooding or tornadoes, fire departments are the first line of recovery.


The Sedgwick Volunteer Fire Department recently received one new truck and is in the process of attempting to secure a second in the near future.


If you are interested in volunteering, contact the Sedgwick Volunteer Fire Department. A special Thanks to Terrence Ward for the many photos supplied.