Tuesday, Sheriff Jody Dotson sent 3 volunteer inmates to cut the overgrown weeds at the Lawrence County Fair Rodeo Arena. With the rodeo just over a week from being in town, preparations are underway to get the arena ready.


Sheriff Dotson has sent a total of 5 inmates to the arena to help out. He utilizes his Reserve Program to escort the inmates to and from the work site, as well as over see the work being done. The inmates worked for just over 3 hours today, cutting weeds around the arena, concession stand, ticket booth and entrances.


The inmate work program has inmates helping out all over Lawrence County. Sheriff Dotson says the inmates are currently working at the airport in Walnut Ridge, Clover Bend and Portia on different projects.


For more information on the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office, visit their site at www.lawrencecountysheriffsoffice.com .