Jerry Clements has been named one of this year’s WBU Distinguished Alumni Award recipients for 2023! Join us in celebrating his remarkable journey at the Homecoming Gala on Nov. 4 at 10 a.m. at Manley Chapel.

Jerry, a 1966 graduate of Southern Baptist College, has an extraordinary story of dedication and service. Let’s dive into some highlights from his incredible bio:

Arkansas Roots: Born and raised in Lawrence County, Arkansas, Jerry graduated from Sloan-Hendrix High School in 1962.

Dual Degrees: After earning an associate’s degree from Southern Baptist College, Jerry continued his education at Arkansas State, graduating in 1969 with a degree in education.

Teacher & Coach: Post-graduation, Jerry taught and coached at Williford and Sloan-Hendrix High School.

Pastoral Calling: Feeling the call to ministry in the early 1970s, Jerry transitioned from coaching to pastoral work.

Milestone Celebrations: This year marks Jerry’s 50th year in vocational ministry, and in October, he celebrated his 43rd anniversary as the pastor of Pleasant Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Annieville, Arkansas.

Multifaceted Talent: In addition to pastoral duties, Jerry is involved in insurance sales and operates a rental business.

Family Man: Alongside his wife Reeda, Jerry is a proud parent to 5 children, a grandparent to 16, and a great-grandparent to several.

Let’s come together to honor Pastor Jerry Clements for his incredible journey, service, and positive impact on our community. Don’t miss the chance to celebrate with us at the Homecoming Gala! #WBUEagles #BelongHere #ForeverEagles #OutstandingAlumni #CelebratingSuccess