The Lawrence County Fair Auto Show is this Saturday at the Imboden City Park.

Don’t miss this great show!

$20.00 Entrance Fee * Dash Plaques for First 150 Entrants
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Place Trophies * Trophy for Best Teenage Entry
Registration- 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
Judging takes place at 12:00 noon
Awards at 3:00 pm
Live Music by JR Rogers and the All Stars 12:00 noon- 3:00 pm. 

A- 55-56 Chevy (Stock)
B- 55-56-57 Chevy (Modified)
C- 0-1937 Antique (Original & Restored)
D- 1938-1952 Antique (Original & Restored)
E- 1953-1959 Antique (Original & Restored)
F- 1960-1965 Production
G- 1966-1970 Production
H- 1971-1981 Production
I- 1982-Up Production
J- 1949-1981 Modified
K- 1982- up Modified
L 1964-1973 Mustang (Original)
M- 1974-Up Mustang (Original)
N- 1964-1973 Mustang (Modified)
O- 1974- Up Mustang (Modified)
P- Corvettes
Q- 1900-1930 Street Rods
R- 1931-1935 Street Rods
S- 1936-1940 Street Rods
T- 1941-1948 Street Rods
U- o-1960 Trucks (Original & Restored)
V- 1961-1981 Trucks (Original & Restored)
W- 1982-Up Trucks (Original & Restored)
X- 1-1948 Trucks Modified
Y- 1949-1959 Trucks Modified
Z- 1960-1981 Trucks Modified
AA- 1982-Up Trucks Modified
BB- 4×4 Modified and Production Trucks
CC- Mini Trucks
DD- Mopars
EE- Muscle Cars
FF- Special Interest
GG- Convertibles
HH- Open
II- T-Buckets
JJ- Volkswagons
KK- Rat Rods
LL- Under Construction (no more than 75% finished)
MM- Tractors
For More Information, Call: Pat Roby- 870-878-6326 (tel:870-878-6326) or Jack Dail -870-869-2930
(Note- We Reserve the Right
to Change Classes)