Cave City Fire Chief Ronny Milligan announced today his retirement.

Milligan stated “This has been a a bittersweet day. I sent by letter of retirement to the Mayor and City Council today. I must say I shed a few tears today while writing this letter.
After 27 years of being the Cave City Fire Department Fire Chief. December 31, 2021 will be my last day as Chief.
I am going to stay on the department until March 3, 2022. This will give me 42 years of service with the Fire department. It has been a great honor and privilege to serve our great City and Community.
Billy Penn will do a outstanding job replacing me as the Chief of our great department. Keep him and his wife Nikki in your prayers. It is a great responsibility being the Chief of a fire department.
Thanks to all the Mayor’s I have served under and to all the officers and firefighters I have served with.
I am so going to miss being on the Fire department.
I have always went by these words. If you’re not going forward your going backwards. This what I have always tried to do is to keep our department going forward.
May God bless each and everyone of you.
Chief Ronny Milligan”