Administration, Staff and Campus Security welcomed local and state responders to the WBC campus on Tuesday for a campus tour and luncheon. Those in attendance included Walnut Ridge Police Chief Chris Kirksey, Sheriff Jeff Yates and several of his staff, members of the Arkansas State Police Troop B, Lawrence County Office of Emergency Services, Walnut Ridge Fire Chief Frank Owens and several of his firefighters.

Those involved were divided into several groups, the groups then toured every building on the campus. Williams Campus Security led the group through each of the buildings so that the responders could become familiar with the Administration Buildings, Sporting Event Buildings, Classrooms, Library, Cafeteria and Men’s/Women’s Dorms. Responders were shown emergency exits, security systems and evacuation plans. Administration and Security wanted a mix of Fire, Police and Emergency Services to tour the campus and give any suggestions and comments that may have come to their attention during the tour of the campus.

During a luncheon that included the group being addressed by Williams Baptist President Tom Jones, responders were shown training films that are shown to students and resident assistants on subjects such as Active Shooter and Fire Reporting and Response.

Members of the group wrote down suggestions and left them with Williams Security Officials, the suggestions are going to be reviewed and addressed. Each of the departments were given packets including detailed maps of all the buildings and a copy of the Emergency Response Plan for the college.