Tuesday PTE President Gene Ponder and Vice President Amanda Stallings presented a check for $9000.00 to Sloan Hendrix Elementary Principal Rick Tate and Superintendent Mitch Walton. The money is going to be put towards the purchase and installation of new playground equipment for the Sloan Hendrix Elementary School.

Supt. Mitch Walton took us on a guided tour that included the old playground where some of the old playground equipment has already been removed. The new playground will include 3 play areas surrounded by “rubber chips”. Mr. Tate and Mr. Walton expressed their Thanks for the participation and support of the PTE. PTE President Gene Ponder stated that for several years the PTE has been raising money for this playground expansion.

Mr. Walton explained that the new playground and the installation is around $45,000.00 and the contribution from the PTE was a big help. PTE President Gene Ponder stated that the PTE raises most of it’s funds at the Lawrence County Fair and the Lawrence County Car Show.