At 4:18pm on May 28th, Sharp County dispatch received a call for help at the lake in Deer Run Park. in reference to a possible drowning. Sharp County Sheriff’s Derpartment along with the Sidney and Evening Shade Fire Departments responded to the scene. It was reported that 21 year old Justin Roberts of Salem and a friend were swimming across the lake when Mr. Roberts began to have problems and eventually went under approximately forty feet from shore. Mr. Roberts was shortly thereafter found by Sidney Firefighter/Diver Loren Trewyn in 16 feet of water. Mr. Roberts was immediately loaded onto the rescue boat where Deputy Jeff Adam began CPR. Rescuers were able to establish a pulse and transport Mr. Roberts to White River Medical Center. Mr. Roberts was placed in ICU and later passed away at 10:23pm despite all efforts by rescuers and medical staff. Justin Roberts was recently married and leaves behind his wife who expecting is their first child.