Hello, I’m Pam Ludwig. My hubby Chuck and I live in Annieville but Imboden is my home town where we do most of our business.
I’m having a hard time trying to decide which of my 3 wonderful dogs to send a pictures of but I decided to go with our newest gal, Lucy Sky.

Its hard to believe no one wanted this little girl but last summer someone dropped her off way out in the boonies. We found her starving and covered in ticks.
We had never had a Pit Bull before so we were a bit concerned about all the bad rap we had heard and read about them. But Lucy is proof positive of what a wonderful,funny, loving breed of dog they can be. Lucy knows lots of commands and some tricks. She is a all around big love-a-dub. She’s part flirt,part spark-plug and part marshmallow who loves to give hugs to any & everyone she meets.
She has a brother named Biscuit and older sister Goldie Loo.

Imbodenlive.com would like to thank Pam Ludwig for her photo’s and article submission to pet spotlight! & the lovely Lucy!

*Imboden Live Readers
If you would like to submit your pet to be featured in “Pet Spotlight” send us a few photo’s and tell us a little about your pet. We will be happy to post your submission