This workshop will be very beneficial to those wondering the negative effects that Toxic Fescue could have on one’s herd. Planting Novel Fescue is one way to combat this problem. These things and more will be addressed during this workshop.
Livestock and Forestry Research Station Hosting Novel Fescue Renovation Workshop March 21.
The University of Arkansas, Division of Agriculture is partnering with the Alliance for Grassland Renewal to host an all you need to know workshop about renovating pastures with novel endophyte tall fescues. Speakers from across the southeast will join us to discuss everything from the history to economics of fescue toxicosis and managing tall fescues that have a fungus that helps the plant without the negative side effects on animal production. There will also be a tour of old and newly renovated stands of novel fescues at the research station. The workshop is March 21 at the Livestock and Forestry Research Station located at 70 Experiment Station Drive, Batesville, AR. The workshop begins at 8:15am and will conclude at 4:30pm. For meal and materials planning, everyone is asked to pre-register ($40/person) at