Lawrence County Sheriff Jody Dotson was recently invited to take part in the Pocahontas Middle School Wellness Day on Friday November 18th.
Students spent the entire day roaming from event to event covering everything from hygiene and nutrition to the effects of driving under the influence and cyber bullying.
Sheriff Dotson and members of ATOD presented programs on the harmful effects of drugs and alcohol and programs on texting and driving. Sheriff Dotson also have Reserve Officers bring the Sheriff’s UTV and set up an obstacle course for student drivers. Each student used special goggles that simulate the effects of drinking and driving. During the course, students learned how difficult navigating obstacles with a disability such as alcohol or drugs can be.
Students also used the same goggles to do field sobriety test test conducted by Sheriff Dotson’s Deputies.
Other agencies that participated in the day long program was the Randolph County Sheriff’s Office, Pocahontas Fire Department, Jonesboro Police Department’s Dare Program, Nutritionist, Doctors and Nurses from the area.
For more information on Sheriff Dotson and the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office visit their site at .