We are so proud to be launching the latest of our sites, CityofWalnutRidge.com. In February the City Council of Walnut Ridge voted and approved ImbodenLive to construct and maintain a city website. The council studied the City of Imboden’s website and other sites that we have created and maintained and came to approve our contract.
The City of Walnut Ridge is hoping to promote their Industrial Park, Airport, Schools, and Local Businesses through this site and the coming Business Directory that is linked to it.
Our little company caused quite the stir when we landed this project, we were featured on KAIT-8 at both 6pm and 10pm and twice graced the front page of the Times Dispatch.
This project which we projected to be up and running in 5 weeks is up in 4 1/2 weeks but like any good website it will be updated and lots of pictures to come.
We ask that you visit the site and check by often, with Spring here we will be changing out some of the winter pictures for fresh spring photos.
Once again, we’d like to thank all those who lended a helping hand. Thanks to Mayor Rogers, Mrs. Shirley Guy, The Entire Walnut Ridge City Council, Fire Chief Alan Haskins and the entire Fire Department, The Walnut Ridge Police Department, Mrs. Gloria Wilkerson of the Times Dispatch and many others. We hope you enjoy your new site.
Also a very special “Thanks” to Mrs. Paula Haskins who worked very hard to get this project off the ground and also worked to see it through.