According to Chief Deputy Kevin “Bart” Simpson, the following individuals were incarcerated last week (5/1/23-5/8/2023). An average of 67 inmates were housed in the Sharp County Detention Center daily.
Jerry Clements, 55, of Hardy, was arrested for Public Intoxication, Possession of Sched. VI GT EQ 4OZ BUT LT 10LB, Furnishing, possessing, or using prohibited articles, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia, Theft of Property <$1000, Breaking or Entering, Hold for Other County/State.
Glyn Dowell, 43, of Cave City, was arrested for Driving or Boating While Intoxicated-1st Offense, Careless/Prohibited Driving w/Accident, Driving in Left Lane Continuously, No Insurance.
Marshall Eddy, 43, of Cave City, was arrested for Public Intoxication, Disorderly Conduct.
Stacey Everidge, 46, of Norfork, was arrested for Failure to Appear for Possession of Controlled Substance I, II, Meth/Cocaine, Criminal Mischief 1st Degree.
Sonja Free, 48, of Williford, was arrested for Contempt of Court.
Christine Hill, 50, of Judsonia, was arrested for Failure to Appear, Failure to Pay Time Pay for Contempt of Court.
Lisa Horton, 40, of Highland, was arrested for Public Intoxication.
Aaron Jackson, 42, of Batesville, was arrested for Failure to Appear-Felony on Violation of Domestic Order of Protection, False Imprisonment 1st Degree, Possession of Controlled Sub. Sched. VI <4OZ.
Hannah Kimble, 24, of Keiser, was arrested for Failure to Appear-Misdemeanor on Possession of Controlled Substance, Possession of Instrument of Crime.
Jimmie Lamb, 54, of Highland, was arrested for Possession of Sched. I, II Meth/Cocaine LT 2GM, Driving or Boating while Intoxicated, Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test, Driving Left of Center Continuously, No Tag Lights, No Insurance, Absconding/White Warrant.
Brianna Letner, 33, of Jonesboro, was arrested for Parole/Probation Revocation.
Andrew Martino, 41, of Evening Shade, Sentenced to ADC.
Cody McCann, 33, of Evening Shade, was arrested on Failure to Appear Felony on Possession of Controlled Substance Sched. I, II Meth/Cocaine, Possession of Drug Paraphernalia Manufacturing, Criminal use of Prohibited Weapons metal Knuckles.
Jenessa Pizzo, 33, of Paragould, was arrested for Driving with Suspended/Revoked DL, Speeding 15 MPH Over, Criminal Impersonation-2nd Degree.
Aaron Riviere, 28, of Cherokee Village, here on Furnishing, Possessing, or Using Prohibited Articles x2, Possession Instrument of Crime, Possession of Firearms by Certain Persons.
Jacob Teems, 33, Highland, Dist/Poss or Viewing Sexually Exp Child Material.
Amanda Twilley, 38, of Ash Flat, was arrested for Failure to Appear-Misdemeanor on Possession of Instrument of Crime, Contempt of Court.
Lydia Villpando, 46, of Mammoth Springs, was arrested for Failure to Pay time Pay on Driving on Suspended DL, Endangering the Welfare of Minor 2nd Degree, Intent to Defraud Drug Test, and Probation.
Theodis Wright, 36, of Little Rock, was arrested for Parole/Probation Revocation.