Prices for vendor booths have been set for the annual Beatles at the Ridge music festival set for September 20th in Downtown Walnut Ridge, AR.
Space is available on both the north and south sides of Main Street.
Prices are as follows for a 10×10 booth:
Craft/Art booths—$40 per slot and an additional $15 for 110V 15-amp electric outlet.
Political Booths—$50 per slot.
Retail/Commercial booths $65 per slot and an additional $15 for 110-V 15-amp electric outlet.
Non-profit organization booths will be free; however these booths will not be allowed to sell anything. Handouts and information about the organization is all that is permitted in the free booth spaces. Non-profit organizations that wish to sell items can reserve a paid booth space.
Bulk booth space to display larger items like tractors, automobiles and ATV’s is available. This information, along with food vendor information can be found on the website.
For other details, including this year’s music line-up, visit