The 2011 Summer Reading Program at the Bobbie Jean Memorial Library in Imboden began on Monday June 6th at 1:00 pm. Mrs. Lisa Williams the branch librarian gave an introduction to the theme this year “One World, Many Stories” and read the children the book “The Hungriest Boy in the World” about a boy named Jiro from Japan. The children then recieved their bags to take home for the Summer containing a reading log to keep track of what they have read and other goodies. The children then worked on a craft project, ate their snack, and checked out books to take home. 40 children have signed up for the program so far this summer! If your child would like to join the program there is still time to sign up anytime during the month of June. If you have any questions please contact the library at 869-2093.
The reading program will continue on Monday June 13th at 1:00 pm.
Thanks to Mrs. Rebecca Jones and Mrs. Jackie Sexton for donating drinks for snacktime.
Thanks to Savanah Williams, Justine Wolfe, Rebecca, and Carla Mitchell for volunteering their help during the program.
Also thanks to all the parents and grandparents who stayed to help the children with their crafts.