On April 07, 2011 the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Deptment started its County Work Project. Yesterday 3 inmates on District Court sentences were taken out on Highway 412 outside of Walnut Ridge to pick up trash. Inmates will be able to cut their jail sentences in half by participating in the work program. The work program will save the county thousands of dollars in expenses of trash removal and by getting people out of jail faster.
Tomorrow a community service worker will be assigned to the Lawrence County Road Dept to work for 35 days cleaning out culverts on county roads, this to will save the county money and make our roads better. The AR Highway Dept provided the trash bags and safety vests for the workers. Sheriff Jody Dotson of the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office stated “I am really excited about this program and what it can do for the county.” Inmates will be out working on days that weather permits.