The meeting was held in the Sloan-Hendrix Public Schools Library. The meeting was called to order by Amanda Stallings at 6pm.

Kristie Stallings read the minutes from the previous meeting: All approved.

Terri Smith read the monthly financial report. April Rainwater made a motion to approve, seconded by Kristie Stallings.
Old Business

1. Bi-Laws
All members approved the bi-laws Article VII and VIII, by signature. Attached at the end of the minutes.
2. Playground Carports
‒ Approval by Mr. Walton
‒ The PTE and Mr. Waddell will be working together on a placement of these structures.
‒ A leveled area is required. We will need contacts to help us level two places. One in the Kindergarten playground and the other in the Elementary playground. Any contacts or volunteers are welcome. Potential date for completion March – April 2014.

3. Motion Lights
‒ Have been put up by the schools electrician.
‒ 2 on the parent center, 1 behind the Middle school, 1 on Mr. Ring’s building
‒ Cost for labor and materials $330.66
‒ Reimbursement Amanda Stallings $25.94 for the lights. Motioned by Terri Smith, Seconded by Bobbie Duncan

4. Middle School
‒ 2 sets of 6 wall mounts were ordered and purchased for $142.93

New Business
1. Literacy Day Feb. 28th
‒ Becky Forman sent a proposal for $350 through e-mail to Amanda Stallings to purchase additional items for the students. Pencils, a small gift, and a bracelet for grades K-7th. A motion was made by Bobbie Duncan, seconded by Terri Smith to approve the proposal.
2. Thank you
‒ The PTE would like to thank Mr. Griffin for all of the technology support his has given us.

Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm, Amanda Stallings made a motion to close the meeting, seconded by Bobbie Duncan.
Next Meeting; February 17, 2014 in Sloan-Hendrix Parent Center at 6pm, bring treats if you plan on attending.