The Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office , LCSO Treasure Hunt is releasing more names to return unclaimed bond money .

The return of unclaimed bond money that is held by the Sheriff’s Office and will be returned to the rightful owner. Those listed are entitled to get 90 percent
of the bond returned and the money may only be claimed by the named person,. The bonder will need to present a photo ID.

Please stay tuned for the next release by the Sheriff’s Office for more bonders who have unclaimed cash amounts.

Contact Debbie Burton with the Lawrence County Sheriff’s Office

Between the hours of 8:00 am -4:00 pm, Monday – Friday only.


Year of 2011
Leon Kelley Sr.
Rupen Patel
Precious Cooper
Billy Lemay
Annia Rodney
Bill Garner
Patricia Sweat

Year of 2012
Kayla Willfond
Laura Olson
Cathy Anglin
John Flowers
Joe Kopp
Pamela Holmes
Jeremy Bendson
Rick Spargo
